Young Muslims

Young Muslims Brothers & Young Muslims Sisters
YM – an organization of Young Muslims, for the Young Muslims, and run by the Young Muslims There are separate YM organizations for brothers and sisters, running on the same principles and methodology.

The first Young Muslim (Brothers) Neighbor Net was established in Masjid Maryam in January 2015 and since then YM meets every Saturday evening (brothers) / Friday evening (sisters).  Islamic education, discussion on topics impacting youth, food, games and brotherhood are the key ingredients of these halaqahs.  They also learn leadership and organizational skills in the due course.

YM national organization provides guidelines, curriculum, mentor-ship, and necessary training to the youth in order to organize and educate other young Muslims.

Alhamdulillah, YM organization is getting introduced in other Atlanta area masajid 

YM Sisters halaqahs are being organized in Masjid Maryam, Masjid Hamzah, Masjid Al-Hedayah and Masjid Ar-Rahman.

Please contact YM representatives of your area if you like to attend any existing YM NN or interested in starting new in your masjid.


Learn more: YM Atlanta Linktree